Pilgrim Reformed Church​
A family that worships God
and serves Jesus.
797 Pilgrim Church Road
Lexington NC 27295
Rev. Richard Moore, Pastor
"For My Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, and I will raise Him up at the last day." (John 6:40 NIV)
​​Choir Director Search
Pilgrim Reformed Church is seeking a full part-time Choir Director responsible for directing the choir and overseeing the music ministry of the church.
Scheduled hours for choir practice flexible/Sunday 10:30 am worship/ability to play instrument preferred-not required.
Submit resume to Pilgrim Reformed Church, 797 Pilgrim Church Road, Lex NC 27295 or pilgrimreformed@triad.twcbc.com
Choir Director Job Description
The position of Choir Director is a full part-time position with responsibility for over-seeing the Music Ministry of Pilgrim Reformed Church.
The Choir Director is hired by the Consistory and works under the supervision of the Pastor.
Display and maintain Christian and professional qualities.
Maintain and demonstrate applicable understanding of musical needs of the church.
Demonstrate musical abilities in playing the organ and/or piano.
Design and implement a well-balanced Music Ministry consistent with the worship services of Pilgrim Reformed Church.
Lead the musical presentations for all church services, regular or special, as determined by the Pastor and the Consistory.
Plan and coordinate all worship music with the Pastor.
Submit and coordinate weekly music selections with the church secretary for inclusion in bulletins.
Select the music to be presented by the Chancel Choir and conduct choir rehearsals.
Be pro-active in the recruitment of members to the Music Ministry.
Serve as a member of the Music Committee.
Authorize all music expenditures within the budget.
Complete other duties as assigned and agreed upon with the Pastor within the scope of the position.
Funerals: Assist in the planning and/or directing of music for funerals held in the church if requested.
Weddings: Arrangements for weddings shall be an independent contract between the Choir Director and the individual parties.
May God bless you in your life and ministry in Him.
Senior Pastor
Application Form
Job Description
Our History and Beliefs
Pilgrim's Constitution